Sep 1992 - Dec 1993
▪ Major in International Business, Minor in Finance.
▪ 1994 Faculty Dean's List
▪ MSc research thesis on the econometric study of the financial structure of big East and South Asian groups.
▪ Articles published:
- “Restructuring of Korean chaebols : an evolution towards a type of Japanese Keiretsu ?” (Asian Profile, Hong Kong, 1996)
- “Organisation et stratégie des chaebols coréens : une étude comparative avec les conglomérats japonais” (Gestion 2000, Louvain, 1995)
Sep 1990 - Dec 1993
▪ Major in International Finance
▪ Double degree program with Université Laval in Quebec City
▪ LVMH Grant for Asia in 1992 for financing a study travel in Seoul (South Korea) about the transformation of the Jaebuls: “The new face of Korea Inc”.
Sep 1993 - July 1994
▪ Working research on the image of the police institution in France based on a multi-year poll.
Sep 1988 - June 1990